Thursday, July 02, 2009

parklife 2

Tindersticks & Big Star @ Hyde Park, 1st July

Big Star got all their best ideas from Teenage Fanclub*. What a cheek eh?

Listen to this, for example...

* No I know. Not true. Big Star=1971-1978 and 2005- . TFC=1990-2005.


Cocktails said...

I love that song. I even like the Bangles' cover version.

So how was it? Did Big Star live up to expectations?

Hoops Hooley said...

They were really good. I hadn't heard that much of them before but was amazed how much like the Fannies they were. Same instrumentation and they even shared the lead vocals around in the same way.

Would like to have heard more of them but they were only the support so...Spotify to the rescue!

Wanderer said...

Wow, never realised that Big Star were around in the 70s before.

Cocktails said...

You should definitely listen to more Big Star. The first two albums are great, and well, the third is too - it's just more bleak.

Did you listen to this:

Hoops Hooley said...

This is a great song. A few years ago I picked up a copy of their Radio City album in a record fair and this is the opening track.

I've just noticed that there's quite a good selection of their stuff on Grooveshark so will be dipping into that in the next few weeks...