Thursday, July 23, 2009

leisure centre

Leisure Society @ ULU, 22nd July

This lot are great. I need to get down the shops and buy their album.

Listen to their myspace stuff. Good innit?

P.S. The building behind the bandstand is where I work.


Cocktails said...

That is rather good. Elements of it remind me of Ed Kuepper's The Way I Made You Feel(sadly this live performance doesn't quite show that but still...)

So you work at good old Northampton Square. Hopefully not in the Adult Learning department! Damn ELQ. Grrrr....

Hoops Hooley said...

Hmmm, not familiar with Mr Kuepper's body of work. Must investigate...

Yeah poor old Adult Learning has taken a bit of a body blow. There's not going to be as much scope for those 50% fee reductions for staff members anymore. :-( Have you been a customer in the past then?

(I work in the Library BTW)

Cocktails said...

I have been a customer in the past, but more to the point, the organisation I work with used to programme courses in partnership with City. No more now!

The library is a good place to be. I used to work in a university library once upon a time and would have been a librarian in another life!

Hoops Hooley said...

University libraries *used* to be good places to be but we're sadly prone to credit crunch redundancies these days, like many other walks of life. Managed to survive this time but future increasingly uncertain...