Wednesday, May 06, 2009

why we love modern stuff (continued)

Part 3: Cut down that Amazon shopping list by streaming a load of music. Save £££'s!!!

I'm not normally one to get worked up about the so-called wonders of the digital age but you can get so much music for free these days on internet streaming services that it sort of seems impolite not to explore some of the possibilities.

Spotify seems to be generally flavour of the month at the moment. If you can bear the thought of listening to one advert every fifteen or twenty minutes, you can stream full albums or create your own playlists free of charge. My current favourites include some old but very excellent jazz/blues by Etta James, and some top-notch songs from Congolese outfit Staff Benda Bilili.

Grooveshark even allows me to embed one of those widget thingummies for the convenience of my readers, thus allowing them to check out this top tune, "Counterpoint" by 2009 New-Order-a-likes Delphic:

Remember those "various artists" cassettes you used to foist on your unsuspecting friends and family in the eighties? Just me then. Well you can do a modern-day fancy-dan digital equivalent courtesy of the fantastic 8tracks site. Here's a playlist I put together a couple of weeks ago to mark the welcome appearance of a big round yellow object in the April sky...


Cocktails said...

What are you trying to do to me? I have just been over at Carnival Saloon and Nigel is raving about Spotify too. I can't take any more technology in my life, the choice is too overwhelming!

I have just been listening to your summer mix at work though. This was a mistake - it put me more in the mood for a beer than work and I've discovered YET more new music. That Brent Cash track is ace. Can't believe I missed it on the original Word comp. Have you heard anything else by him? I guess I could sign up to Spotify and find more...

Wanderer said...

Top work!

Hoops Hooley said...

Glad you like.

I know what you mean about being overwhelmed Cocktails. There's just not enough time to listen to ALL THIS MUSIC! Go on though, sign up to Spotify, You know you want to...

That Brent Cash track is good isn't it? No, haven't heard anything else by him, don't know where he's from, or anything else about him. Let me know if you track down any other good stuff by him...

Cocktails said...

All right, have signed up to Spotify and it is addictive to say the least. All that music! For free!

Brent Cash is on there and I recommend checking out the album. It is pretty good, but a little TOO awash in summery 60s harmonies at times for my liking. Actually, what kind of a complaint is that?!

Hoops Hooley said...

Yeah see what you mean about Brent Cash. You definitely need to be in a particular mood. It's like a whole album of Oh Lori. Do you know that one?